Moses-support Digest, Vol 85, Issue 43

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Today's Topics:

1. average speeds (Read, James C)
2. EMS set up with mgiza and KenLM (Daniel Valenzuela)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 06:50:16 +0000
From: "Read, James C" <>
Subject: [Moses-support] average speeds
To: "" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


what kind of speeds are others getting out of Moses? I followed the advice here

With a stack size of -s 1 I'm getting about 1000 sentences in 10 minutes on 32 processors. That's about 3 sentences per minute per processor.

Is this 'normal'?



Message: 2
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 13:08:51 +0100 (CET)
From: Daniel Valenzuela <>
Subject: [Moses-support] EMS set up with mgiza and KenLM
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear all,

after various manual set ups, I wanted to try the EMS. After trying several
experiment settings I wanted to run it with multi-giza and kenlm, but I cannot
get it to work (tried it again with smaller corpus, same result. I tried to
continue the experiment with different fixes - no success.

The log tells me:
step TUNING:tune crashed

further inspection in TUNE_tune.1.STDERR in steps/1/ told me IRSTLM is messing
with my project, "against" my will (at least I thought so):

line=IRSTLM name=LM0 factor=0
Exception: Error: 4 number of threads specified but IRST LM is not threadsafe.
Exit code: 1
Failed to run moses with the config
/home/moses/project_test_mgiza/experiment/tuning/moses.filtered.ini.1 at
/home/moses/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/ line 1271.
cp: cannot stat
?/home/moses/project_test_mgiza/experiment/tuning/tmp.1/moses.ini?: No such file
or directory

Looking up what happened in the tuning folder, I found out that
moses.filtered.ini.1 has set IRSTLM for Distortion, but filtered.1/moses.ini has
set KenLM for Distortion which satisfies what I hoped to get.

I attached the files from above and the following is the config file of the



home-dir = /home/moses

working-dir = $home-dir/project_test_mgiza/experiment
moses-src-dir = $home-dir/mosesdecoder
moses-script-dir = $moses-src-dir/scripts
moses-bin-dir = $moses-src-dir/bin
external-bin-dir = $moses-src-dir/BINDIR
data-dir = $home-dir/project_test_mgiza/experiment/corpus
train-dir = $data-dir/training
dev-dir = $data-dir/dev
#irstlm-dir = $home-dir/irstlm/bin

ttable-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/processPhraseTable
decoder = $moses-bin-dir/moses

input-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l
$input-extension -threads 4"
output-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l
input-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
output-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
detruecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/detruecase.perl

input-extension = de
output-extension = en
pair-extension = de-en

# create a tokenized, sentence-aligned corpus, ready for training


max-sentence-length = 80

raw-stem = $train-dir/news-commentary-v8.$pair-extension


### tool to be used for language model training
# for instance: ngram-count (SRILM), train-lm-on-disk.perl (Edinburgh)
#lm-training = "$moses-script-dir/generic/trainlm-irst2.perl -cores 4 -irst-dir
$irstlm-dir -temp-dir $working-dir/tmp"
#settings = "-s msb -p 0"
#order = 3
#type = 8
#lm-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/build_binary

# path to lmplz binary
lmplz = $moses-bin-dir/lmplz
# order of the language model
order = 3
# additional parameters to lmplz (check lmplz help message)
settings = "-T $working-dir/tmp -S 10G"
# this tells EMS to use lmplz and tells EMS where lmplz is located
lm-training = "$moses-script-dir/generic/trainlm-lmplz.perl -lmplz $lmplz"
lm-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/build_binary

raw-corpus = $train-dir/news-commentary-v8.$pair-extension.$output-extension



### training script to be used: either a legacy script or
# current moses training script (default)
#script = $moses-script-dir/training/train-model.perl

### general options
script = $moses-script-dir/training/train-model.perl
training-options = "-mgiza -mgiza-cpus 4 -cores 4 \
-parallel -sort-buffer-size 10G -sort-batch-size 253 \
-sort-compress gzip -sort-parallel 10"
parallel = yes

### symmetrization method to obtain word alignments from giza output
# (commonly used: grow-diag-final-and)
#alignment-symmetrization-method = berkeley
alignment-symmetrization-method = grow-diag-final-and

### lexicalized reordering: specify orientation type
# (default: only distance-based reordering model)
lexicalized-reordering = msd-bidirectional-fe

### if word alignment (giza symmetrization) should be skipped,
# point to word alignment files
#word-alignment =

### if phrase extraction should be skipped,
# point to stem for extract files
#extracted-phrases =

### if phrase table training should be skipped,
# point to phrase translation table
#phrase-translation-table =

### if reordering table training should be skipped,
# point to reordering table
#reordering-table =

### if training should be skipped,
# point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config =

### TUNING: finding good weights for model components


### instead of tuning with this setting, old weights may be recycled

### tuning script to be used
tuning-script = $moses-script-dir/training/
tuning-settings = "-mertdir $moses-bin-dir -threads 4"

### specify the corpus used for tuning
# it should contain 100s if not 1000s of sentences
raw-input = $dev-dir/news-test2008.$input-extension

raw-reference = $dev-dir/news-test2008.$output-extension

### size of n-best list used (typically 100)
nbest = 100

### ranges for weights for random initialization
# if not specified, the tuning script will use generic ranges
# it is not clear, if this matters
# lambda =

### additional flags for the decoder
decoder-settings = "-threads 4"

### if tuning should be skipped, specify this here
# and also point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config =

## TRUECASER: train model to truecase corpora and input


### script to train truecaser models
trainer = $moses-script-dir/recaser/train-truecaser.perl

### training data
# raw input needs to be still tokenized,
# also also tokenized input may be specified
raw-stem = CORPUS:raw-stem

### trained model
#truecase-model =

## EVALUATION: score system output


### prepare system output for scoring
# this may include detokenization and wrapping output in sgm
# (needed for nist-bleu, ter, meteor)
detokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl -l

decoder-settings = "-threads 4"

### should output be scored case-sensitive (default: no)?
# case-sensitive = yes

### BLEU

multi-bleu = "$moses-script-dir/generic/multi-bleu.perl -lc"
# ibm-bleu =

### TER: translation error rate (BBN metric) based on edit distance
# ter = $edinburgh-script-dir/

### METEOR: gives credit to stem / worknet synonym matches
# meteor =

raw-input = $dev-dir/newstest2011.$input-extension
raw-reference = $dev-dir/newstest2011.$output-extension


### what to do with result (default: store in file evaluation/report)
# email =


I hope anybody can help or suggest me what to do.

Thank you and kind regards

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