Moses-support Digest, Vol 84, Issue 38

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Today's Topics:

1. JNLE - REMINDER: Call for special issue proposals
(Konstantinova, Natalia)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:26:03 +0000
From: "Konstantinova, Natalia" <>
Subject: [Moses-support] JNLE - REMINDER: Call for special issue
To: "" <>,
"" <>, ""
<>, "" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Journal of Natural Language Engineering

*** Call for special issue proposals ***

The area of Natural Language Engineering is following the trend of many other areas, becoming highly specialised with a number of application-orientated and narrow-domain topics emerging or growing in importance. These developments, often coincident with a lack of related literature, necessitate and warrant the publication of specialised volumes focusing on a specific topic of interest to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) research community.

The Journal of Natural Language Engineering (JNLE) invites proposals for special issues on a competitive basis on any topics about applied NLP which have emerged as important developments in Natural Language Engineering and which have attracted the attention of a number of researchers or research groups. In recent years, Calls for Proposals for special issues have resulted in high quality outputs (examples include Special Issues on Finite-State Methods and Models in NLP, on Distributional Lexical Semantics, on Interactive Question Answering); this year we look forward to another successful competition.

Topics could cover a variety of NLP methods, tasks and resources as well as NLP-related applications but should focus on the practical implications of operation on a large scale. Topics covering NLP methods, tasks and resources could include but are not limited to POS tagging, parsing, semantic role labelling, word sense disambiguation, anaphora and coreference resolution, named entity recognition, natural language generation, speech recognition, speech synthesis, multimodal processing, statistical methods in Natural Language Engineering, machine learning, evaluation methodologies, corpora and ontologies. Topics covering NLP applications could include but are not limited to machine translation, translation memory and translation tools, summarisation, information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, text and web mining, opinion mining and NLP for
biomedical texts.

Calls for special issue proposals may be based on a successful workshop or a body of work associated with a particular group or section of the community. In all cases, however, the reviewing process of the accepted proposals will be rigorous and all submissions must be reviewed by at least 3 members of the Guest Editorial Board or other suitable reviewers agreed by the JNLE Editors. In the case of papers previously submitted to workshops, the Guest Editors will not be able to re-use previous workshop reviews. In addition, the call for papers of the accepted proposals must be open to all interested parties and all authors will be given equal treatment; in the case of proposals based on previous workshops, submissions cannot be limited to workshop participants only.

Interested editors have the option of preliminary feedback by emailing expressions of interest accompanied by a brief description of the intended special issue to the Executive Editor (<>). He will give a brief indication of whether the topic is appropriate to Natural Language Engineering. In the case of initial positive feedback, the prospective Guest Editors will be asked to submit a proposal for a special issue that will be reviewed by the Editors of the journal and by other members of the Journal Editorial Board. At least one proposal will be selected on a competitive basis for each call with the envisaged publication date for the successful proposal(s) from this call on or after May 2015.

The proposal for a special issue should include a brief outline of the field and rationale as to why it is important to launch a special issue on the particular topic of interest. It should include a relevant literature survey (related previous special issues, volumes, workshop and conference proceedings) and should explain the added value of the proposed special issue against the background of other relevant or competing
publications and volumes (if applicable). It is desirable that a rough estimate on expected submissions to the special issue is provided. The proposals should also include a tentative Guest Editorial Board (it is desirable that at least one of the members of the Guest Editorial Board is a member of the journal Editorial Board), tentative time-scale for the production of the special issue and information about the prospective Guest Editors (relevant experience, publications etc.).


- Deadline for submission of special issue proposals:

10 December 2013

(proposals to be emailed to<> with a copy to<>)

- Notification of acceptance/rejection:

15 January 2014

- Final version of the successful proposal(s) and call for papers:

15 February 2014

Best regards,

Dr. Natalia Konstantinova
EXPERT Network Training Coordinator
Editorial Assistant for the Journal of Natural Language Engineering
Research Group in Computational Linguistics
Research Institute of Information and Language Processing
University of Wolverhampton
Stafford Street
Tel: + 44 1902 322967
Fax: 01902 323 543

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